Things Happening!
CMF Breakfast in November - Lots of Fun, Good Food and Fellowship
L to R - Don Swegman, Larry Hueston, Brantley Austin, Kim Sayre, Chris Austin, Larry Teichert, Jeff Bryan, Dale Terrell, Tom Colvil, Bob Miller, Chris Collins
The CMF wish to thank the Church Congregation and the Alexandria Community for a very successful Pancake Breakfast on November 2, 2024.
The CMF wish to thank the Church Congregation and the Alexandria Community for a very successful Pancake Breakfast on November 2, 2024.
We Love to Eat and have Fellowship!
On Sunday November 19, 2023, approximately 45 people stayed after worship on November 19th to share in a delicious Thanksgiving luncheon. Thanks to Karen and Kim Sayre and the Family, Life, and Evangelism committee for hosting.
On Sunday November 19, 2023, approximately 45 people stayed after worship on November 19th to share in a delicious Thanksgiving luncheon. Thanks to Karen and Kim Sayre and the Family, Life, and Evangelism committee for hosting.
Decorating Halloween Cookies With the Kids!Adult helpers - Jenny Bryan, Pam Garner, Larry and Heather Teichert and Chrissy Domi
12 dogs and 16 animal lovers were blessed at our Animal Blessing help October 8thIn front of group shot: Diana Musick with Mikee, Brantley Austin with Chase
Jan Malston with Scooter,
Children gathered to share in games and decorate cookies
Children at fireplace left to right - Joanna Willmann, Weston Willmann, Layne Snyder, Matthew Domi, RuthAnn Teichert, Isaach Domi, |
Picture: Adults left to right- Dee Williams, Alex Domi, Chrissy Domi,
Chere Saunders
Children left to right – Isaach Domi, Matthew Domi, Alison Domi
On Sunday, August 20th – we welcomed four new members into our church family: Dee Williams, Alex Domi, Chrissy Domi, and Chere Saunders. We also had the blessing of dedicating three children into our fold: Isaach Domi, Matthew Domi, and Alison Domi. Welcome to all!
Chere Saunders
Children left to right – Isaach Domi, Matthew Domi, Alison Domi
On Sunday, August 20th – we welcomed four new members into our church family: Dee Williams, Alex Domi, Chrissy Domi, and Chere Saunders. We also had the blessing of dedicating three children into our fold: Isaach Domi, Matthew Domi, and Alison Domi. Welcome to all!
Jerry and Susan Heiden - Thank you for your years of service to our Congregation and " Well Wishes" in your new home!
On Sunday, July 30th, following worship, over 50 people stayed as we honored Susan and Jerry Heiden for their many years of service to the church by holding a celebration luncheon. Jerry and Susan are moving to the Indianapolis area to be closer to their children and grandchildren. We will miss them! Thank you to Karen and Kim Sayre and their committee for providing such a wonderful meal.
February 5, 2023 - All Church Luncheon
After Church on February 8, 2023 the Church had an All Church Luncheon in anticipation of Lent coming. The luncheon was well attended and the food was good. It felt really good to get back together as a Church Family and enjoy each other over food.
After Church on February 8, 2023 the Church had an All Church Luncheon in anticipation of Lent coming. The luncheon was well attended and the food was good. It felt really good to get back together as a Church Family and enjoy each other over food.
Our first "Live to Give" community dinner was a great success!
10 guests were greeted and welcomed by our church family.. Over 50 meals were served. Robinson Hall was filled with the joy of sharing the Spirit with our community.. The next dinner is Saturday, October 22nd 5pm - 6:30pm.
Sunday May 1, 2022 Grab and Go or Sit and Stay Luncheon - Wow is it nice to be able to sit down and eat together...... Finally!
The Exercise Ladies celebrated Joan William's 98th birthday with lunch at Frisch's.
From left to right: Pastor Julia, Ruby Closser, Joan Williams, Chere Saunders, Dee Jackley, Shirley Colvill, Susan Heiden and Cindy Davis.
From left to right: Pastor Julia, Ruby Closser, Joan Williams, Chere Saunders, Dee Jackley, Shirley Colvill, Susan Heiden and Cindy Davis.

Live Nativity December 12, 2021
Left to Right - Brason Ricks, Colyn Greer and Corbin Greer
Easter Sunday, we had the honor of witnessing the baptism of three young men into the church: Brason Ricks, Colyn Greer and Corbin Greer. They began membership classes with Pastor Julia before the pandemic working toward baptism last Easter, but plans had to change. We continued Bible study and learning about the church and sacraments online and later social distanced in Robinson Hall. Easter is a beautiful time for baptisms. Baptism represents the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It symbolizes the death and burial of the old self and the joyous birth of a brand new being in Christ. Each of the boys answered the one question all believers answer: Do you believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God and do you accept Him as your Lord and Savior? With other Christians we affirm that baptism is at once a divine gift and a human response. Baptism incorporates the believer in the community. It anticipates life in the coming age when the powers of the old world will be overcome, and the purposes of God will triumph. May we all rejoice in our own baptisms as we celebrate with these new Christians.
Spiritual Retreat at Emery Lee in Beulah Park
On Saturday, February 29th, members of First Christian Church gathered for a day-long spiritual retreat to help us "Leap Into Faith". Rev. Beth Crouch of First Christian Church Shelbyville, IN was our Retreat Leader. Group Building activities, visioning, prayer and worship filled the Emery Lee Building at Beulah Park with the Spirit. This retreat was made possible by the Barbee Blessing grant. Thank you Indiana Region of the Christian Church (DOC) Those in attendance were Pastor Julia Bratton, Debbie Burchette, Susan Heiden, Marge Dickson, Chris Collins, Jeanesta Merritt, Diana Musick, Jama Spade, Don and Doris Swegman, Jeff and Jenny Bryan, Dennis and Frances Sizelove, and one more (I'm getting her name from Jama)
On Saturday, February 29th, members of First Christian Church gathered for a day-long spiritual retreat to help us "Leap Into Faith". Rev. Beth Crouch of First Christian Church Shelbyville, IN was our Retreat Leader. Group Building activities, visioning, prayer and worship filled the Emery Lee Building at Beulah Park with the Spirit. This retreat was made possible by the Barbee Blessing grant. Thank you Indiana Region of the Christian Church (DOC) Those in attendance were Pastor Julia Bratton, Debbie Burchette, Susan Heiden, Marge Dickson, Chris Collins, Jeanesta Merritt, Diana Musick, Jama Spade, Don and Doris Swegman, Jeff and Jenny Bryan, Dennis and Frances Sizelove, and one more (I'm getting her name from Jama)

Live Nativity, Chili Supper and Cookie Walk was a fantastic Success!
Saturday December 7, 2019 the Church held a Cookie Walk, Chili Supper and a Live Nativity. All were well attended and everyone had a good time. Great Fellowship and food! Mary and Joseph are Justine Jennings and Don Swegman. Shepherds: Gary and Debbie Burchette and Troy Greer, Kings are Chris Collins, Brian Humphrey and Brittany Humphrey. The llama is be Jackie, the donkey Dusty, and the sheep have no names. Between the Chili supper and cookie sale, we raised over $600.
Saturday December 7, 2019 the Church held a Cookie Walk, Chili Supper and a Live Nativity. All were well attended and everyone had a good time. Great Fellowship and food! Mary and Joseph are Justine Jennings and Don Swegman. Shepherds: Gary and Debbie Burchette and Troy Greer, Kings are Chris Collins, Brian Humphrey and Brittany Humphrey. The llama is be Jackie, the donkey Dusty, and the sheep have no names. Between the Chili supper and cookie sale, we raised over $600.
Symphony on the Prarie August 24, 2019 ..... Wonderful fellowship.... Beautiful Evening.... and Great Music! Fleetwood Mac Mania for our listening pleasure.
First Christian Church "Relay For Life" Team 2019
First Christ Church Relay for Life team. Those who participated are Chris Collins (Team Captain), Jeanesta Merritt, Katie , Jeff Bryan, Jenny Bryan, Pastor Julia Bratton, Jim Bratton, Jama Spade, Becky Allen, Reagan Allen, Dennis Sizelove, Frances Sizelove, Marilyn McBride, and Linda Lambertson. Thanks to Stacey Austen, Debbie Burchette and Becky Allen for their cakes for the Cake Walk and those who donated toward the $600 our team raised for the American Cancer Society.
Jeff Bryan and Chris Collins recived a check for $1000 from Camp Barbee Blessings Fund to use for a special faith formation project. Carolyn Reed, Associate Regional Minister, presented the check. The Church Board is now considering some options and asking the Congregation for suggestions on how to best use the money.

Picnic at the White House!
Twenty-six people enjoyed U.B.’s grilled hot dogs and all the trimmings at the home of U.B. and Joyce White on Sunday, September 16 for the annual church picnic. Following Pastor Julia’s prayer, the group filled their plates with a nice variety of salads, casseroles, and desserts and enjoyed the food and fellowship with near-perfect weather. Those attending were Jack Street, Dena and Mark Hosier, Harrold White, Jerry and Susan Heiden, Cindy Davis, Pastor Julia and Jim Bratton, Anne and Julie Nelson, Shirley and Tom Colvill, Marvin and Linda Miller, Jessica Hammond, Marianne (Perry) Marshall, Sue and Larry Hueston, Joyce and U.B. White, Kim and Karen Sayre, and Larry, Heather, and Ruth Ann Teichert.
Twenty-six people enjoyed U.B.’s grilled hot dogs and all the trimmings at the home of U.B. and Joyce White on Sunday, September 16 for the annual church picnic. Following Pastor Julia’s prayer, the group filled their plates with a nice variety of salads, casseroles, and desserts and enjoyed the food and fellowship with near-perfect weather. Those attending were Jack Street, Dena and Mark Hosier, Harrold White, Jerry and Susan Heiden, Cindy Davis, Pastor Julia and Jim Bratton, Anne and Julie Nelson, Shirley and Tom Colvill, Marvin and Linda Miller, Jessica Hammond, Marianne (Perry) Marshall, Sue and Larry Hueston, Joyce and U.B. White, Kim and Karen Sayre, and Larry, Heather, and Ruth Ann Teichert.
Pastor Julia Celebrates 20 year Anniversary of her Ordination and our Congregation had a Party!
Sunday July 15, 2018 our congregation celebrated the 20th Anniversary of Pastor Julia's Ordination. Don Swegman brought the message for the day. Nena Hobbs gave the Children's message. Pastor Julia had family come to celebrate with her and the Church had a pitch-in Luncheon in celebration of this day!
Sunday July 15, 2018 our congregation celebrated the 20th Anniversary of Pastor Julia's Ordination. Don Swegman brought the message for the day. Nena Hobbs gave the Children's message. Pastor Julia had family come to celebrate with her and the Church had a pitch-in Luncheon in celebration of this day!

L to R; Pastor Julia and Jim Bratton, Diane Bratton (Jim's Mother) Renee and Vic Miller (Jim's Sister and Brother-In-Law)
Don Swegman in the pulpit provided the message for the day.
Nena Hobbs delivered the Children's message while Ari White and his sons Royce and EB came up to participate.
The nesting nativity was given to Pastor Julia as a gift of celebration for her 20th Anniversary of her Ordination.
Graduation Day and Pentecost -Lots of Fun, All in One Day!
Seventy-eight people attended church on Sunday, May 20 to celebrate Pentecost and Faith Swegman's graduation. During the service, Faith was presented with a Bible with her name engraved in silver after which she provided special music singing "Fly With Me." After the Balloon Launch for Pentecost, a pitch-in dinner was held in Robinson Hall. On Tuesday, May 22 at the AMHS High School Awards program, Faith was presented with our Rachel Barkalow Memorial Scholarship of $500 to further her education at the American Musical and Dramatic Academy in Los Angeles, CA.
Palm Sunday gets the Lent Season with started with a bang!
Jane Ann Johnson is 100 years old and we are celebrating!
During the Thanksgiving celebration in the worship service, Jane Ann Johnson was recognized for her 100th birthday and she was surprised by her family. During the Annual Thanksgiving feast after the service, the Johnson family gathered for pictures and celebrated with birthday cake.
During the Thanksgiving celebration in the worship service, Jane Ann Johnson was recognized for her 100th birthday and she was surprised by her family. During the Annual Thanksgiving feast after the service, the Johnson family gathered for pictures and celebrated with birthday cake.
A Special Time with Christians "Under Construction"
Pastor Julia has our "little ones" attention as she talks about being "under construction" as a Christian.
Pastor Julia has our "little ones" attention as she talks about being "under construction" as a Christian.
Noodle Dinner on October 7, 2017 was a Fantastic Success - Thanks to Everyone that helped in any way!
Church Picnic at the White House
On September 17th we had Beautiful weather, good food and great friends in fellowship. What better way to spend a Sunday afternoon. Thanks to UB and Joyce White for hosting the picnic.
On September 17th we had Beautiful weather, good food and great friends in fellowship. What better way to spend a Sunday afternoon. Thanks to UB and Joyce White for hosting the picnic.
Noodles, Noodles, Noodles!
Hot off the press. New Banners for our church's Annual Chicken & Noodle Dinner! Tickets on sale soon! See everupme Saturday October 7th, from 4pm - 7pm. We also offer carryouts, but we would love for you to come on in and sit down and enjoy our amazing homemade chicken and noodles. We look forward to seeing you.
The first noodle making session is complete with 19 1/2 bags of noodles complete and in the freezer. The next noodle making session will be on Monday September 18, 2017. They will start mixing at 8:00am
Hot off the press. New Banners for our church's Annual Chicken & Noodle Dinner! Tickets on sale soon! See everupme Saturday October 7th, from 4pm - 7pm. We also offer carryouts, but we would love for you to come on in and sit down and enjoy our amazing homemade chicken and noodles. We look forward to seeing you.
The first noodle making session is complete with 19 1/2 bags of noodles complete and in the freezer. The next noodle making session will be on Monday September 18, 2017. They will start mixing at 8:00am
Pentecost Balloon Launch.... Lots of fun and very pretty
Graduation Day is upon us and First Christian has 2 Graduates!
Approximately sixty-five people enjoyed a pitch-in dinner held after worship on May 21 to honor high school graduates Carlos Cabrera and Katie Humphrey. The meal featured baked him, lasagna, barbecued meatballs, hot chicken salad, finger sandwiches, baked beans, deviled eggs, corn casserole, macaroni and cheese as well as numerous salads with a dessert choice of white or chocolate graduation cake. Thank you to Karen Sayre and her committee including Linda Lambertson, Barb and Chris Austin, Kim Sayre, Cindy Davis, Jeff and Jenny Bryan, and Betty Hampton for coordinating the event. Also thank you to the New Generations Sunday School class for providing the graduation cake.
More Easter Inspiration and Fun
He is Risen!
Agape Love Feast, "One of the Nicest Services I have ever attended"
Thirty-six people attended the Agape Love Feast and as I was walking to the parking lot, I heard the above quote and had to agree. We enjoyed the fellowship, felt the emotion of the day and felt the hand of our Lord, Jesus Christ, in our lives. Good food and laughter, prayer and concentration, music and friendship...... all in one evening.
Thirty-six people attended the Agape Love Feast and as I was walking to the parking lot, I heard the above quote and had to agree. We enjoyed the fellowship, felt the emotion of the day and felt the hand of our Lord, Jesus Christ, in our lives. Good food and laughter, prayer and concentration, music and friendship...... all in one evening.
Thanks to Chris Collins for pictures
Alexandria Monroe High School Choir has success with some special First Christian Church voicesCongratulations to Faith Swegman for her gold medal and perfect score at state Solo and Ensemble. Congratulations also to Liz Vardaman for her gold at state as part of The Prelude choir at school.
Children's Sermon is an opportunity to visit with our youngest and best.
Hayden and Gage Swegman and Brantley Austin are on full listen and full cute while Pastor Julia delivers a message just for them.
Live Nativity and Chili Dinner 2016
Cold Temps and Snow falling, our brave wise men, shepherds and Mary and Josephs worked with the animals to provide a wonderful display on the east side of the church. December 10, 2016 from 5:30 to 8:30pm our Live Nativity and Chili Supper was held. The Chili Supper brought in about $500 and served nearly 100. Nearly 40 people from the church served food or participated in the Live Nativity display. It was an inspirational evening and the chili warmed the tummy.
Cold Temps and Snow falling, our brave wise men, shepherds and Mary and Josephs worked with the animals to provide a wonderful display on the east side of the church. December 10, 2016 from 5:30 to 8:30pm our Live Nativity and Chili Supper was held. The Chili Supper brought in about $500 and served nearly 100. Nearly 40 people from the church served food or participated in the Live Nativity display. It was an inspirational evening and the chili warmed the tummy.
Advent kicks off at the Church with "Hanging of the Greens"The Annual Hanging of the Greens was held during the Worship Hour on the First Sunday of Advent. Afterwards approximately fifty people enjoyed a Tasting Luncheon featuring ham, pulled pork, Spanish hamburger and chicken salad and ham salad sandwiches, cheese balls and crackers, chips, veggies and a variety of desserts including brownies, cookies, spice cake, and pumpkin bread. Thank you to the Membership, Evangelism, and Family Life Committee chaired by Karen Sayre who coordinated the luncheon.
Thanksgiving Fellowship means Great Food and Friends!
Approximately eighty people shared a traditional Thanksgiving dinner after worship on Sunday, November 13. Turkey, ham, chicken and noodles, mashed potatoes, oyster and plain dressing plus a variety of vegetables and salads were enjoyed with a choice of pumpkin, chocolate, blackberry, butterscotch, and pecan pies, date pudding, carrot cake, and cookies. Thank you to the Membership, Evangelism, and Family Life committee chaired by Karen Sayre with help from Betty Hampton, Cindy Davis, Barb Austin, Linda Lambertson, Jenny and Jeff Bryan, and Kim Sayre.
Approximately eighty people shared a traditional Thanksgiving dinner after worship on Sunday, November 13. Turkey, ham, chicken and noodles, mashed potatoes, oyster and plain dressing plus a variety of vegetables and salads were enjoyed with a choice of pumpkin, chocolate, blackberry, butterscotch, and pecan pies, date pudding, carrot cake, and cookies. Thank you to the Membership, Evangelism, and Family Life committee chaired by Karen Sayre with help from Betty Hampton, Cindy Davis, Barb Austin, Linda Lambertson, Jenny and Jeff Bryan, and Kim Sayre.
2016 Chicken Noodle Dinner is a Great Success!
Over 500 served and everything ran smooth from Noodle Days to Food Prep, Set-up to Carry-out, Serving Lines to Kitchen Staff, The Craft Bizzare, Supplies to Clean-up. Awesome job by all involved. A huge thank-you to Jama Spade and Amy Lambertson for leading the charge on this project. Their committees did an outstanding job. When you look at the pictures you see smiles on all faces.
Over 500 served and everything ran smooth from Noodle Days to Food Prep, Set-up to Carry-out, Serving Lines to Kitchen Staff, The Craft Bizzare, Supplies to Clean-up. Awesome job by all involved. A huge thank-you to Jama Spade and Amy Lambertson for leading the charge on this project. Their committees did an outstanding job. When you look at the pictures you see smiles on all faces.
The Alexandria Monroe High School Homecoming Parade was on Friday September 23rd. Lots of young Tigers on the move and several of our talented First Christian musicians were in action with the Marching Tiger Band.
First Christian Church participates in the Alexandria "Back to School Rally" at the First Baptist Church
The church has been collecting supplies for the "Back to School Rally" for the Alexandria Community Schools being held at the First Baptist Church on South SR 9 in Alexandria on July 26, 2016. School Supplies, under wear and other clothing supplies were provided by members of our church as well as other participating churches in the area. Jama Spade provided haircuts to students during the "Rally" . Susan Heiden and Frances Sizelove assisted in the kitchen. Thank- you ladies for your support of our local children!
The church has been collecting supplies for the "Back to School Rally" for the Alexandria Community Schools being held at the First Baptist Church on South SR 9 in Alexandria on July 26, 2016. School Supplies, under wear and other clothing supplies were provided by members of our church as well as other participating churches in the area. Jama Spade provided haircuts to students during the "Rally" . Susan Heiden and Frances Sizelove assisted in the kitchen. Thank- you ladies for your support of our local children!
Friday, June 17 over 30 members and friends participated in the Relay for Life of Madison County for the American Cancer Society. The event was held at Beulah Park from 5pm - midnight, with set-up beginning at 1:30pm. Hosted by the COGS, our "campsite" was decorated with purple bows and flowers and sold over $120 in baked goods provided by our church members. Those who participated in walking or visiting our site were: Tom and Stephen Wegner, Alyssa Sayre, Heather and Larry Teichert, Jama Spade, Chris Collins, Justine Jennings, Becky Allen, Reagan Allen, Marilyn McBride, Shirley Colvill, Patty Alt, Dennis and Francis Sizelove, Debbie Burchette, Julie Nelson, Sabrina Humphrey, Jimmy and Katreena Humphrey, Troy and Becky Greer, Barb Austin, Stacy Austin, Jenny and Jeff Bryan, Annette Ellis, Betty Hampton, Linda Lambertson, Lori and Mason Vardaman, Pastor Julia and Jim Bratton, along with many friends and family. With everyone's help, we were able to raise over $800 for cancer research. The entire relay topped all their goals for the night, with 34 teams participating and over $43,000 raised. Watch for information on next year's relay! We are excited to grow on what we did this year. Thanks to all!
Graduation Sunday May 22, 2016 Friends, Fun, FoodMay 22nd was Graduation Sunday at First Christian Church. High school seniors honored included Sabrina Humphrey who has enlisted in the United States Navy, Reagan Allen who will study nursing at IU Bloomington, , and Ariana Cabrera who will attend Manchester University. They were presented lavender leather bound bibles with silver engraving during the Worship Hour and honored at a pitch-in dinner after worship. Congratulations and Best Wishes to these young ladies!
Easter Sunday was a celebration of " The Champion of Love"
The day started with a sunrise service at 8:00am in the sanctuary. As the sun came through the east stained glass windows, it cast a golden hue on the people as Pastor Julia delivered a message of Easter Good News . It was a wonderful service with a joyful congregation.
Breakfast in Robinson Hall was a continental affair with pecan rolls, hot cross buns, donuts, fruit, colored boiled eggs and other treats on the menu.
The Choir performed the cantata " Champion of Love" to a packed house on Easter Sunday. Thanks to Chris Collins for his expert narration and Doris Swegman for her guidance as Choir Director. Julia Bratton was the featured soloist during the Cantata. The Church looked beautiful adorned with Easter lillies and flowers. Thanks to Diana Musick for her care and effort in getting the sanctuary looking so wonderful!
The day started with a sunrise service at 8:00am in the sanctuary. As the sun came through the east stained glass windows, it cast a golden hue on the people as Pastor Julia delivered a message of Easter Good News . It was a wonderful service with a joyful congregation.
Breakfast in Robinson Hall was a continental affair with pecan rolls, hot cross buns, donuts, fruit, colored boiled eggs and other treats on the menu.
The Choir performed the cantata " Champion of Love" to a packed house on Easter Sunday. Thanks to Chris Collins for his expert narration and Doris Swegman for her guidance as Choir Director. Julia Bratton was the featured soloist during the Cantata. The Church looked beautiful adorned with Easter lillies and flowers. Thanks to Diana Musick for her care and effort in getting the sanctuary looking so wonderful!
Agape Love Feast for the Maundy Thursday Remembrancwas Inspirational!
35 people gathered for our annual Agape Love Feast and Last Supper remembrance. Washing each other's hands is a special part of our evening. The Church Choir performed "Lamb of God" and several people read scripture as Pastor Julia led us to the garden and the betrayal and beyond.
35 people gathered for our annual Agape Love Feast and Last Supper remembrance. Washing each other's hands is a special part of our evening. The Church Choir performed "Lamb of God" and several people read scripture as Pastor Julia led us to the garden and the betrayal and beyond.
Palm Sunday Walk
On March 13 2016 at 9:00am in the morning a hardy group of people grabbed up their palm leaves at the First Christian Church and walked together to Harrison Square at Church and Harrison St. in downtown Alexandria. The temperature was in the low 40's but the sun was shining brightly. Spirits were high and the service was eloquent. Pastor Julia led the service and Eric Schmidt from the Times-Tribune documented the event with the attached picture. Thanks Eric for the publicity and the picture.
On March 13 2016 at 9:00am in the morning a hardy group of people grabbed up their palm leaves at the First Christian Church and walked together to Harrison Square at Church and Harrison St. in downtown Alexandria. The temperature was in the low 40's but the sun was shining brightly. Spirits were high and the service was eloquent. Pastor Julia led the service and Eric Schmidt from the Times-Tribune documented the event with the attached picture. Thanks Eric for the publicity and the picture.
Eight Baptisms on One Sunday! Oh what a day!Eight baptisms were a part of the Worship Service on Sunday, February 28 at Alexandria First Christian Church after which a Celebration Pitch-in was held featuring baked ham, meat loaf, scalloped potatoes, macaroni and cheese, homemade lima bean chowder, and a variety of salads and desserts. Those baptized included Justine Jennings, Reagan Allen, Michael White, Kelli White, Dean White, Ella White, Ariana Cabrera, and Carlos Cabrera. We welcome them to our fellowship and pray they may continue to grow in faith and love in their walk with Christ.
Valentines Day Luncheon - Love is in the airThe Membership, Family Life, and Evangelism Committee chaired by Karen Sayre and the NOGS Sunday School Class prepared and served a lovely valentine buffet luncheon featuring crispy baked chicken, green beans, macaroni and cheese, biscuits, and several salads along with valentine cake and ice cream. Approximately seventy-five people enjoyed the food and fellowship after worship in the beautifully decorated Robinson Hall.
Live Nativity - Inspirational and Fun wrapped in one!
The Live Nativity was held on Saturday December 12th from 5:30 - 8:30pm. The Worship Committee organized the event with Diana Musick leading the way. We had live animals in the form of donkeys and a llama. New Lighting and manger were built and provided by Jim Bratton with assistance from the Membership, Family Life and Evangalism Committee. Lots of food, snacks and warm drinks inside. Thank-you to all who came and participated as actors, costume prep, food and snack preparation and serving, stage setting and animal pen set-up. A;so a big Thank-you to for providing the llama and for providing the donkeys. Wonderful evening, wonderful people!
The Live Nativity was held on Saturday December 12th from 5:30 - 8:30pm. The Worship Committee organized the event with Diana Musick leading the way. We had live animals in the form of donkeys and a llama. New Lighting and manger were built and provided by Jim Bratton with assistance from the Membership, Family Life and Evangalism Committee. Lots of food, snacks and warm drinks inside. Thank-you to all who came and participated as actors, costume prep, food and snack preparation and serving, stage setting and animal pen set-up. A;so a big Thank-you to for providing the llama and for providing the donkeys. Wonderful evening, wonderful people!
Hanging of the Greens kicks off the Advent Season!
November 29th we celebrated the beginning of Advent. The day started with a special service during Worship as Pastor Julia portrayed Mary in a theatrical presentation. After the service we celebrated with a "finger food" pitch-in. Following Lunch several of the members stayed and decorated the Church for Advent. Below are some snapshots of some of the activities. Great fun and fellowship and the task of decorating went quickly with all of the willing hands.
November 29th we celebrated the beginning of Advent. The day started with a special service during Worship as Pastor Julia portrayed Mary in a theatrical presentation. After the service we celebrated with a "finger food" pitch-in. Following Lunch several of the members stayed and decorated the Church for Advent. Below are some snapshots of some of the activities. Great fun and fellowship and the task of decorating went quickly with all of the willing hands.